In the News
During the 2023 CMS Election Cycle, the African American Caucus of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party (AAC-MCDP) was highlighted in this article by WFAE for our CMS Board of Education forums.
In response to Representative Tricia Cotham's party switch, our President Braxton G. Becoats was interviewed by the News & Observer about his thoughts and how it would galvanize Mecklenburg Democrats.
During the 2022 CMS Election Cycle, the African American Caucus of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party (AAC-MCDP) was highlighted in this article by the Charlotte Observer for our endorsements of candidates.
During the 2022 CMS Election Cylce, the African American Caucus of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party (AAC-MCDP) was highlighted in this article by the Charlotte Observer for our CMS Board of Education forums.
In response to the County's Fiscal Year 2023 Proposed Budget, the African American Caucus of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party (AAC-MCDP) was highlighted in this article by the Charlotte Observer.
In response to recent actions by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, the African American Caucus of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party (AAC-MCDP) was highlighted in this article by the Charlotte Observer.
AAC-MCDP President Collette Alston answered four questions about the African American Caucus of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party (AAC-MCDP) with QC Metro's Christine Edwards.