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The AAC meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month



Working for a Better Mecklenburg County

Striving for a Better North Carolina

Home: Service

The African American Caucus of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party

The AAC is an auxiliary of the North Carolina Democratic Party  Our mission is to increase the visibility and influence of African Americans within the Democratic party of Mecklenburg County and  the state of North Carolina.

We are a grassroots, community-based organization that believes in taking action with urgency to affect change for the African American Community.


What We Do


Promote political and voter education within the African American Community


Represent issues and concerns of our membership and the African American community to Democratic Party leadership


Identify and support African Americans and other Democratic candidates seeking public office while holding them accountable


Take a stance on issues impacting African American lives and ensure visibility with the Democratic Party to drive policy change

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